Wednesday, July 29, 2009
One Day-$40 Bookcase

Monday, July 27, 2009
Make Your Own File for Tight Spots

When smoothing curved profiles, you'll need a fine-cutting file to get into the inside corners that your sanding drum can’t reach. But the thick square edges of the file can get in the way and sometimes even damage the workpiece. So rather than abandon this method, Woodsmith's Ted Raife simply modified the tool to fit the job.
As you can see in the drawings above, he ground a bevel on both edges of the file to get more clearance in tight corners. You can make this modification with just a few minutes work at the bench grinder. But you want to be careful to not let the file get so hot that it loses its temper. Keep a container of water close by to quench it and this won't be a problem.
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Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Earthquake Safe Wooden Buildings

Wood construction has some tremendous advantages. Wood is strong, light, flexible and fast. Unlike concrete, which adds a ton of CO2 to the atmosphere for every ton of cement made, wood is renewable and sequesters carbon dioxide for the life of the building.Definitely worth a look.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Vanity of Vanities

Lazer-cut Keyboard Desk

For Marlies Romberg, a recent grad of the Utrecht School of Arts, her goal is to "to materialize the ungraspable fast digital world and create an opportunity for nostalgia in this future world." The result is Dear diary 1.0, above, the fusion of the real world and the digital world...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Two Ebony Box

Finished the Mun Ebony and Gaboon Ebony handcut dovetail box. Very happy!
Dogs that Don't Bite

Monday, July 6, 2009
More Things to Do with Cutoffs

I made this box using a number of different samples of maple: curly, spalted (with and without ambrosia beetle stains), straight ambrosia, and burl. I made veneers and laminated both sides of some 1/4" MDF. Then I assembled sized pieces with the katalox frame elements. Katalox is a Mexican timber that is hard and close grained with a tendency to tear out. There were lots of glue-ups. To unify the colors a bit and deepen both woods I used garnet shellac for the finish.